Course Brief
Race Distance: 6.2 Miles (10k)
The minimum age for this race is 15 years old on race day
Course Map
Course Description
Runners will be transported to the start by coach. If you want to travel on the race train you can buy a train ticket with your entry. The train has a capacity of about 240 so tickets for runners are in short supply. Descending at Quarry Siding there is no platform so please take care; all runners walk a few hundred yards down a lane to the starts. Once again there will be clothes collection and toilets available although only a limited number. The start is by train whistle and instructions about this will be given by the marshals in charge.
Following the start the course runs across a field to turn and join a rough mountain road that ascends steeply crosses the railway (the train has now begun its journey back to Tywyn) for over a 1/3 mile. On reaching the brow of the hill as you look towards the coast & Tywyn the course now levels off for a short way before leaving the road and plunging down a very narrow path (take care). Running over very rough terrain crossing a small stream and possibly through shoulder high bracken the Railway and Dolgoch Station can be seen on your right. After descending a short incline the course turns abruptly right (if you had the time Dolgoch Falls are just a few yards on the left as you turn) running beside the small river which is the continuation of the falls you then just before the viaduct which carries the railway high above you turn left over a narrow footbridge crossing the river to run back on the other side. Climbing up uneven and steep steps the course now crosses very muddy terrain and a small stream to join a very narrow path that follows the railway through trees for what seems an eternity before reaching open fields again. Crossing these you climb to the highest point on this section of the course before descending towards Brynglas where you merge with the shorter races.
Disgrifiad o'r Cwrs
Bydd rhedwyr yn cael eu cludo i'r cychwyn gan y bws. Os ydych am deithio ar y trên ras gallwch brynu tocyn trên gyda'ch mynediad. Mae gan y trên gapasiti o tua 240 felly mae tocynnau ar gyfer rhedwyr yn brin. Yn disgyn yn Chwarel Siding does dim llwyfan felly cymerwch ofal; Mae pob rhedwr yn cerdded ychydig gannoedd o lathenni i lawr lôn i'r cychwyn. Unwaith eto bydd casglu dillad a thoiledau ar gael er mai dim ond nifer cyfyngedig. Mae'r cychwyn trwy chwiban trên a bydd cyfarwyddiadau am hyn yn cael eu rhoi gan y marsialiaid sydd wrth y llyw.
Yn dilyn y cychwyn mae'r cwrs yn rhedeg ar draws cae i droi ac ymuno â ffordd fynyddig garw sy'n dringo'n serth yn croesi'r rheilffordd (mae'r trên bellach wedi cychwyn ar ei daith yn ôl i Dywyn) am dros 1/3 milltir. Wrth gyrraedd ael y bryn wrth i chi edrych tuag at yr arfordir a Tywyn mae'r cwrs bellach yn lefelu i ffwrdd am ychydig cyn gadael y ffordd a phlymio i lawr llwybr cul iawn (cymerwch ofal). Gan redeg dros dir garw iawn sy'n croesi nant fach ac o bosibl trwy rhedyn uchel ysgwydd gellir gweld y Rheilffordd a Gorsaf Dolgoch ar eich dde. Ar ôl dod i lawr inclein fer mae'r cwrs yn troi'n sydyn i'r dde (os cawsoch yr amser dim ond ychydig lathenni ar y chwith wrth i chi droi) yn rhedeg wrth ochr yr afon fechan sef parhad y cwympiadau yna ychydig cyn y draphont sy'n cario'r rheilffordd yn uchel uwch eich pen trowch i'r chwith dros bont droed gul sy'n croesi'r afon i redeg yn ôl ar yr ochr arall. Wrth ddringo i fyny grisiau anwastad a serth mae'r cwrs bellach yn croesi tir mwdlyd iawn a nant fechan i ymuno â llwybr cul iawn sy'n dilyn y rheilffordd trwy goed am yr hyn sy'n ymddangos yn dragwyddoldeb cyn cyrraedd caeau agored eto. Wrth groesi'r rhain, byddwch yn dringo i'r pwynt uchaf ar y rhan hon o'r cwrs cyn disgyn tuag at Brynglas lle rydych yn uno â'r rasys byrrach.