Race the train main event photo Race the train main event photo
Tywyn Rotary Club's 39th Annual

Race The Train

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Race Starts at 11:30am

The Race

Runs Alongside An Unesco Herritage Site

This unique event is a must for all multi - terrain runners. Many competitors return regularly to try and better their performance or just beat that train while others have run nearly every year since the races started. Most serious runners have heard about it either from their friends, TV, or the press!

Mae'r digwyddiad unigryw hwn yn hanfodol i bob rhedwr aml-dir. Mae llawer o gystadleuwyr yn dychwelyd yn rheolaidd i geisio gwella eu perfformiad neu dim ond curo'r trên hwnnw tra bod eraill wedi rhedeg bron bob blwyddyn ers i'r rasys ddechrau. Mae'r rhedwyr mwyaf difrifol wedi clywed amdano naill ai gan eu ffrindiau, teledu neu'r wasg!

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Online Entry

Race Date

Sat 17th August, 2024

Race Edition

39th Annual Race

Race Location

Tywyn, Mid Wales

Ride Alongside the Race on the Talyllyn Railway!

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Course: Rotary Challenge (14mi)

This is the Race that we started with when we initiated the event in 1984. It is approximately 14 miles long. This is the classic start on the crest of the main railway line bridge adjacent to the Talyllyn Railway station. Both the runners and the train are started by the train whistle ordered by the timekeeper...

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Course: Quarry Challenge (6.2Miles)

Runners will be transported to the start by coach. If you want to travel on the race train you can buy a train ticket with your entry. The train has a capacity of about 240 so tickets for runners are in short supply. Descending at Quarry Siding there is no platform so please take care; all runners...

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Course: Dolgoch Challenge (5.5mi)

Runners are conveyed to the start by either the Talyllyn Train or by coach as the entry for these races exceeds the capacity of the trains. We will try to get runners onto the train with their friends and family. You disembark from the train at Dolgoch Station and walk down about 1/3 mile to the start marshals...

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Course: Tynllwynhen Challenge (3.5mi)

Now the route climbs slightly on an un-metalled road with bare rock in places before descending, and runs through a small ford before turning on to a normal lane. Descending on this small tarmacadam lane for 1/3 mile once again the course returns to run over farmland and farm tracks for over...

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